Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Interview Questions

1. What is your current place of employment and current position that you hold?
2. What sort of educational background do you have?
3. What sort of writing do you usually doin your field?
4. How much time of your day is devoted to writing?
5. What is the most common form of writing that you use?
6. What is the most challenging part of writing in your field?
7. How important is it to be an effective writer in your field?
8. How has your writing improved or evolved throughout your career?
9. Do you ever have to write papers or reports in your career?  If so please describe these reports or papers?
10. Do you ever have to present your writings?
11. Has your writing ever been published in your field?
12. How does your writing vary in academic vs. non-academic context?
13. Do you collaborate with others when writing?
14. How often do you read other people's writing?
15. How often do you use published writing that pertains to your field?

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