Monday, September 7, 2015

Quote Analysis

In high school I wrote a research paper about World War Two.  This paper contained two quotations that I will analyze.  This first quote I used was one by Dwight Eisenhower.  For this quote I failed to introduce who Eisenhower was.  Although I explained who he was later in the paper, it would have been better to say who he was when I introduced the quote.  The explanation after this quote was lacking.  I included the explanation of when he said it and that the quote was important.  I didn't go into great detail about why it was important or the significance that this quote had. Overall, my introduction and explanation of the quote needed more work, but the quote certainly belonged in my paper and it related to the text.  The next quote I used in this paper was by Winston Churchill.  I felt like I introduced this quote pretty well.  Again, I should have done a better job at explaining who Churchill was.  The explanation was okay for this quote, but could have used some better analysis as to why the quote was important.

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