Monday, October 5, 2015

Speech Outline

  1. Introduction
    1. Hook
      1. According to Forbes Magazine Sports Clips is the number two best franchise in America
    2. Background Information
      1. Sports Clips is a haircut place that has a sports theme
      2. They cater to men and boys
      3. 13,000 stores
      4. It is headquartered in Georgetown, Texas
    3. Thesis
      1. Sports Clips uses advertisements to attract a specific audience and uses pathos to persuade their target audience to use their product.  The advertisements I have analyzed are specifically tailored to men, and they all use pathos by showing people having a good time while getting their haircut.
  2. Body
    1. Audience
      1. Show print advertisement
        1. The print advertisement shows two guys getting a haircut.  Everyone is smiling and they are having a good time.  There is a TV in the background.  The tagline says, “Guys watch sports.  Guys get haircuts.”
      2. Mention the tagline “Guys watch sports. Guys get haircuts”
        1. Sports Clips specifically tailors to men
        2. Limits the potential market that could exist
          1. Although women will not use this product, there is no mention of younger males being able to use this product.
        3. Makes assumption that men are the only people that will really care about this product
      3. Show the commercial
      4. Things to note about the commercial
        1. Only males getting haircuts
          1. All older, no teenagers or kids
            1. By doing this Sports Clips seems to limit the potential market that could be using their product.
            2. Many male teenagers and kids would also seem to want this type of experience.
        2. Tagline: “It’s good to be a guy”
          1. Again specifically addresses only the male population
    2. Pathos
      1. Print Advertisement
        1. Everyone is smiling in this ad
          1. Makes the viewer feel like this is something fun
          2. Possibly makes them feel like they are missing out on something
        2. Uses good looking people
          1. Maybe by going to this haircut place, you will look better than if you went somewhere else
      2. Commercial
        1. Music
          1. Very upbeat
          2. Positive
          3. Tricks people into being happier or having more fun while watching this commercial
        2. Beginning
          1. In the beginning there is a narration that says “Every day is a sport.  Getting that raise.  Asking her out.”
          2. Implies that by going here you would get a raise, or get a girlfriend
            1. This creates a feeling in the viewer that by going to Sports Clips this is something that they can do.
            2. It creates a feeling of jealousy or longing that maybe they would want a raise, or a girlfriend
          3. Also implies that the easiest way to do this is by using their product
        3. The Actors
          1. Again, everyone is having a good time and smiling
            1. Emotions of fun and happy are presented to the viewer
          2. Again, they use good looking people
            1. You can look like these people by getting your haircuts at Sports Clips
            2. You could get your hair cut by someone attractive which men might want
    3. Effectiveness of these Ads
      1. Forbes ranked them as the number 2 franchise in America
      2. Nearly 70,000 likes on Facebook
        1. From these you can gather that the concept is working and advertising plays a big role in this
      3. Yelp Reviews
        1. “I look forward to my hair cuts at Sports Clips. It is usually a short or no wait. I get their best service and it is so relaxing and a great haircut.” – Ted
        2. “Good haircuts at a good price.  TV's and atmosphere cater to men.” – Jeff
          1. These quotes show that overall many people enjoy going to Sports Clips.  Jeff mentions how the atmosphere caters to men, which is exactly what Sports Clips is trying to accomplish. 
  3. Conclusion
    1. Overall, Sports Clips uses pathos to connect with a specific audience in their advertisements
    2. Although, the ads limit their potential market by only advertising to men, they still maintain a lot of success
    3. Clearly, the ads are working because of how successful they have been

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